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Starting a Happy, Healthy Restaurant

You’ve decided to take the plunge. You want to be a an entrepreneur an have a positive impact on your community by establishing a happy, healthy restaurant. It’s a great way to combine your passion for delicious food and a positive lifestyle. You want your patrons to walk away after a meal with true satisfaction

Why Cruciferous Veggies Are The Best

Before getting into why you should do this, let’s lay out the playing field. The team is made up of bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, kohlrabi, radishes, rutabaga, turnips, and watercress. First and foremost, cruciferous veggies contain lots of cancer-crushing compounds like isothiocyanates (ITCs). So, a simple thing like eating

4 Reasons Spray Vitamins Are Better For You Than Pills

Have you stopped taking vitamins and health supplements because you cannot tolerate swallowing a bunch of pills? If you answered yes, then you may want to pay attention. An increasing number of people have stopped taking or just never tried taking vitamins and health supplements because they just cannot stand swallowing a handful of pills.

Lower Blood Pressure Naturally And Live a Longer, Happier Life!

Неаrt аttасks аrе thе numbеr оnе саusе оf dеаth іn thе іndustrіаlіzеd wоrld. Тhе сhіеf соntrіbutоr tо hеаrt аttасks іs hіgh blооd рrеssurе (hуреrtеnsіоn), оftеn саllеd “thе sіlеnt kіllеr”. Тhе bеst thіng уоu саn dо fоr hеаrt аttасk рrеvеntіоn іs lоwеr уоur blооd рrеssurе. Іt’s еаsу tо lоwеr blооd рrеssurе nаturаllу. Whаt shоuld уоur blооd

6 Natural Scents to Boost Productivity at Work

Here’s some great information from Entrepreneur magazine about how to use natural scents to boost productivity. Aromatherapy probably isn’t the first thing you think of to help boost your productivity and grow your business, but now it probably should be. Smell is the strongest of the senses and has a huge influence over brain activity.

Natural Lawn Care: 5 Methods for Greener Grass

In order to obtain a lush green lawn, people pour on chemicals, mow twice a day and terrorize the local rabbit clans, but what if the easiest way to get green grass is the natural way? Take a look at some natural ways to treat and feed your lawn before it goes dormant this winter!

Obamacare Once Again In The Republicans’ Crosshairs

by Long Island Attorney Paul A. Lauto, Esq. The elections are over and the Republicans have sent a clear message to the White House via the American people. Not only are the House of Representatives and the Senate now controlled by a Republican majority, but the majority of Governors across the nation are Republican as

Reconnect and Relax: Benefits of Soaking in a Warm Bath

When was the last time you soaked in a warm bath? With the craziness of our day to day lives, it is easy to forget to take a moment to breath and just relax. There are a lot of benefits associated with taking time to soak in the tub. Take a tip from Oprah and

Top health food nuts and seeds

Some of my absolute favorite snack foods that I like to always have on hand are nuts and seeds. We have mostly kept nuts around but now we are inviting more seeds in to accommodate the school’s *nut-free* policy. Let’s have a peek at some of our top choices that we feel strongly contribute to

Boosting your Immune System

I came across an infographic that I think it very timely for the season. If you’re in a cooler state – specifically one where snow sets in at an early date, you will have to boost your immune system because as they say, when winter comes, so does several illnesses. Dr. Fredda Branyon has dedicated