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10 Cancer Causers Lurking in Your Home

When most people hear the word “toxin” or “pollutant”, they might starting thinking about belching smoke stacks or biohazard suits. The images of many things that are in the home and part of everyday living do not come to mind. However, there are many domestic products that are in the majority of households that contain

10 Home Remedies That Burn Fat Fast

Do you want to burn fat but don’t have the time or money to go to a gym? Relax. There are plenty of at-home tricks that will shed unwanted pounds without leaving the comfort of your house or spending a fortune to do it. The top ten at-home remedies for burning fat are discussed in

7 Benefits of Detox Drinks for Weight Loss

If you are serious about losing weight and getting healthy, you don’t have to do this through diet pills and store-bought health drinks. There are many great detoxifying drinks that you can make at home with simple ingredients that will help you lose weight through detoxifying the liver, ridding the body of excess waste products,

Offices With Plants Have Happier Employees 

Do you feel happy and contented at your workplace? Not many people work in an ideal environment but this doesn’t have to make the regular job a nightmare: a new study found that plants affect the general mood at the workplace, and can in fact boost productivity. Researchers from the UK conducted a study in

Go Greener on Your Home and Save Up on Power Bills

For a lot of people, money spent settling monthly power bill consists of a large chunk of their budgets. Even worse, power bills have been going up as energy production becomes costlier and the cost is passed on to the consumers. But the good news is that you could drastically lower your power bill by

Revealed: King Tut had overbite, club foot because his parents were brother and sister

by Travis Gettys – Raw Story A “virtual autopsy” has revealed that King Tutankhamun suffered a variety of health maladies because his parents were brother and sister. Scientists tested the Egyptian pharaoh’s mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited only from the mother, to determine she was the sister of Akhenaten, who was proven Tutankhamun’s father by

Scientists create candy that’s good for teeth

by Marcia Malory – Medical Xpress Dentists warn us that too many sweets can cause cavities. In fact, it’s not candy, but bacteria on the tooth surface that cause tooth decay. If you reduce the amount of cavity-causing bacteria, the number of cavities should decrease. Christine Lang of the Berlin biotech firm ORGANOBALANCE and her

Soft Drink Consumption Will Age You As Fast As Smoking – 10 Reasons To Avoid Them

by April McCarthy – Prevent Disease The message to stop smoking issued by public health officials has been nothing less than paramount, repetitive and consistent in the last several decades. What about soft drinks? Daily consumption of just a half-liter of soda is linked with 4.6 years of additional biological aging, effects comparable to that

Aluminum Linked to Infertility in Men

A recent study conducted in collaboration with scientists from the U.K. and France has shown a link between aluminum in the body and reduced sperm count in males. The research results were published in the medical journal “Reproductive Toxicology,” in their October 2014 issue. Researchers J.P. Klein (Université de Lyon), M. Mold (The Birchall Centre),

Top 10 Ways to Use Tea Tree Oil

By now you have probably already heard of tea tree oil and all of its wonderful antiseptic uses. You probably already know that you can use it, diluted, on cuts and abrasions, and that you can even apply pure tea tree oil to acne break outs. But did you know that there are dozens of