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Top Energy-Boosting Fibromyalgia Superfoods

Fibromyalgia is a chronic conditions whose sufferers can present with symptoms like body and muscle aches/pains, fatigue, inflammation and hormonal imbalances. While there are prescription medications that can help treat this condition, a holistic approach which incorporates medication, stress management, exercise and diet is best. Below are some foods to consider incorporating into your diet

What women can do to improve their sex drives after menopause?

Some women encounter a range of symptoms during menopause that seem to work together to cause a decrease in sexual drive. For anyone who has enjoyed a healthy and fulfilling sex life up to this point, an experience like this can be traumatic to say the least. It can also take its toll on an

Maintain Sharp Vigilance! 14 Everyday Foods that Can Kill Your Pet

You love your pet, and as with any family member, their health and safety is a priority. Yet oftentimes we can take their well-being for granted. While safe and nutritious for you, some foods can cause serious illness, or even death, to your furry friend. Below is a list of common foods that should be

Why Matcha Tea is So Hot Right Now?

Matcha is very much the tea of the moment, let’s take a look at what it is and what natural health benefits it provides. What is Matcha? A long-standing tradition of Japanese culture, Matcha is a nutrient-dense, powdered green tea. Usually mixed using a whisk and hot water, with Matcha the whole leaf is consumed

10 Superfoods for Healthy Hair and Gorgeous Skin

If you are truly looking to beautify your hair and nails, the answer doesn’t lie in more cosmetics or trips to the salon but in a diet which nourishes you from the inside out and leaves you looking and feeling great. There are many foods which can contribute to a glowing, smooth complexion and thick,

3 Ways to Accelerate Fat Loss

Are you looking to lose excess fat? If you do, you are not alone as a recent Gallup poll found 51% of adult Americans wanted to lose weight. Unfortunately, nearly half of the people wanting to lose weight didn’t know how or were discouraged by previously failures. If this sounds like your situation, it’s time

Creating a Non-Toxic Kitchen, Part 1 – Natural Dish Soap

Is your kitchen toxic? Ironically, the kitchen is home to more toxic products than any other area of the house. When you use commercial products to clean your kitchen you’re allowing undesirable toxic chemicals to leach into your utensils, countertops and even your food. There’s dish soap, oven cleaner, counter cleaner, floor cleaner and any

The 3 Best Lies Big Agri-business is using to Stop GMO Labeling

Fear may be what’s motivating powerful agri-business, pharmaceutical giants and food corporations to duke it out here in Oregon and Colorado. They are spinning some of their best lies over the airways to convince voters to vote no on GMO labeling. It should be no surprise why companies such as Monsanto, PepsiCo Inc. and Kraft

Cannabis Proves Effective In Treating Crohn’s Disease According To New Study

by Charles Moore – Bio News Texas A new clinical study published in the journal Pharmacology and by the National Institute of Health has found that cannabis is effective in treating Crohn’s disease, which is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). IBDs such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s affect over a million people in

FACT: Vitamins and Supplements Are Beneficial

Dr. Peter Glidden counters recent arguments that vitamins and supplements are nothing but a wast of money. Dr. Glidden explains the science and research behind the benefits and says those saying otherwise are using bad science. …read more