Articles Archive

Can Ashwagandha Reverse Alzheimer’s Disease?

Maylin Rodriguez Paez RN Ashwagandha is one of the most popular herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. Native to Asia, it’s been used for thousands of years for different ailments including insomnia, anxiety, and even sexual dysfunction. Research shows ashwagandha may also have potential in treating Alzheimer’s disease. It clears amyloid plaque, a key feature of the

Chocolate Superfood “I’m So Sore” Shake

This shake is delicious and creamy from the good fats in coconut oil and packed with antioxidants and trace minerals from the cacao and super-packed with protein from the protein powder, hemp seeds and chia seeds rich in omega-3′s. Let’s not forget vitamin C from the strawberries 🙂 This is a recovery enhancing shake (getting


On my homepage, I discussed the recent study in the Annals of Internal Medicine about how a low carbohydrate diet beat out a low fat diet for weight loss and cardiovascular risk markers. After noting my biases, exploring the basic biochemical assumptions, reviewing the evidence that supports it, and being open-minded to the pitfalls of

A Quick Interview Guide for the Pregnant Job-Seeker

Among life’s greatest challenges, our careers and our children stand far above the rest of our concerns. But what happens when the two collide? When Marissa Mayer became Yahoo’s latest CEO in the summer of 2012, she did so while she was a full five months pregnant, seemingly telling the world that job seekers should

7 Foods to Increase Your Iron Intake

Anemia is a common and often undiagnosed problem – especially among women – which can cause fatigue, weakness and even more serious long-term health problems if it is left untreated. However, a simple blood test at the doctor’s office can determine if iron levels are adequate. If they are not, then in addition to iron

10 Surprising Things to Know About BPA

Bishpenol A, or BPA is a common chemical which has been used since the 1930’s in the production of many kinds of plastics. These plastics naturally find their way into the home, especially in forms of water bottles, baby bottles and the like. The health risks associated with this chemical are real and serious and

Drug Free Pain Relief: Reducing Pain without Medication

When you were young, injuries were typically no worse than a scrape, a cut or a graze. They could be fixed with a kiss from a parent, an ice cream or a piece of chocolate. As you age, injuries become more common and tend to last longer. They can’t just be fixed with a sugary

Going Vegan, using your religion as an excuse!

We’ve all heard the workplace rule, ‘ Never talk about politics or religion’. You might of heard the rule of neutrality in an argument, where-by, you never use the word ‘You’ as that is ‘Attacking’. In the first blog I wrote I broke the ‘You’ rule. ” Are You A Hypocrite? “. It was deliberately

Top 5 must-know tips for prevent cancer

Cancer is never a word that a person wants to hear. In spite of the fact that it seems to be so prevalent, however, there are a number of different lifestyle choices and behaviors that can often make the difference between receiving a diagnosis of cancer and receiving a clean bill of health. As scientists

8 Best Superfoods for Fall

Now that the weather is turning cooler, the produce choices are changing–and several superfoods are coming into season. Your local farmers’ market and grocery stores will soon be full of these great tasting, and good for you, fruits and vegetables. Try these superfoods to better your health this fall: 1) First on the list is