Do Whey Protein and Milk Cause Acne?

Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States. And really, that shouldn’t come as any surprise, as almost everyone has experienced it at some point in their lives, usually during puberty and adolescence. Causes of Acne Acne is caused when hair follicles are plugged or clogged with oil and dead skin cells,

7 Amazing Health Benefits of Coconut

Coconuts are an excellent source of nutrition and have healthful meat, juice, and oil. The oil is arguably the most nutritious and has many health benefits. Coconut oil is over 90% saturated fat and has antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti fungal properties. Here are top 7 health benefits of coconut 1. Boost energy level Feeling tired

How to Prevent Gestational Diabetes

As we know gestational diabetes is actually a kind of diabetic issues that occurs during pregnancy. It is maybe not so common in vary pregnancy symptoms, such as leg cramps, anemia, etc. But we need to draw attention to gestational diabetes, as the consequence of it is quite severe for both of pregnant women and

Foods and remedies to help prevent and reduce varicose veins naturally

Varicose veins, also commonly referred to as “spider veins” are typically a cosmetic concern for those seeking to diminish, or altogether rid, the blue-black streaks that typically appear on the legs. While they may be indicative of more serious, but rare, health concerns such as ulcers or blood clots, the majority stem from multiple factors

7 Reasons to Buy Organic Meat and Dairy 

We live in a world and age where more and more people are coming to realize the risks involved with eating regular products found on the market. Hence, they prefer to make a radical change in their diet, so most of them choose to buy organic meat and dairy products. In addition to improving the

Hear What This Doctor Thinks of Vitamins and Supplements!

Dr. Lena Edwards discusses the importance of supplements and vitamins. She also discusses their importance in conjunction with a couple of other things. Find out how effective they are in preventative medicine. …read more

Saffron: The Spice That Heals

Maylin Rodriguez-Paez, RN Saffron comes from the Far East. In ancient times, it was used to treat pain, poor digestion, and even high blood pressure. Today, it’s one of the most expensive spices to date, worth its “weight in gold”. Saffron is derived from the Crocus sativus plant and contains over 150 known volatile compounds.

5 Natural Steps to Help Regulate Cortisol

Elevated cortisol can damage your health in a number of ways. Prolonged stress can keep cortisol levels out of balance. Dr. Doni Wilson recommends five things anyone can do to try and help regulate cortisol levels in your body. …read more

Natural Remedies for Strep Throat

What is strep throat? What are the symptoms or signs? Is there a good natural remedy, homeopathic remedy, or natural cure for strep throat? …read more

Burn Remedies

Natural burn remedies like aloe vera or honey can help reduce the pain and inflammation caused by burns, and may also promote the healing of skin. …read more