Creating a Non-Toxic Kitchen, Part 2 – Natural Oven Cleaner

Oven cleaner has to be one of the worst cleaning products on the market. Not only must you wear gloves and avoid getting it on you for fear of burning but you must also use it in an extremely ventilated place due to the dangers of inhaling it. Young kids and anyone with breathing problems

Traffic Study Hits A Wall

Was not the internet, working at home, and GPS units with traffic alerts going to reduce vehicular traffic? Many assumed less cars will be on the road for Rush Hour, because of all our modern technology. Well, maybe more cars would be on the road if we didn’t have Face Time, Skype, or alternate route

Are you deficient in magnesium? 5 signs that you are deficient and how it’s impacting your health and energy levels.

Magnesium is a vital nutrient in the body that is needed for more than 300 different biochemical reactions in your body and is crucial for optimum health. Research studies have shown that magnesium can help prevent cardiac arrest, heart attack, stroke, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and is a nutritional powerhouse that helps create the energy molecules

Naturally Treat and Prevent Ebola – Share with Everyone You Love

(ANH) With the panic from Ebola spreading across the country, the public is rarely exposed to the natural ways to prevent Ebola, or treat the patients. This is even more vital because the natural ways can often be self-administered and are far less expensive. Additionally, they often boost the immune system. People that are most

Himalayan Salt Versus Table Salt

Himalayan salt is famed for its distinctive pink hue and held in high esteem for its extensive nutritional value. The salt crystals are formed in ancient ocean deposits in the Himalayan Mountains and are mined by hand. The pink hue is a result of the vital minerals still contained within the salt. Often the salt

7 Of Your Favorite Desserts You Don’t Have To Give Up While Trying To Lose Weight

Just because you’re on a diet doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy delicious desserts. There are plenty of healthy options out there to satisfy a sweet tooth without sabotaging your diet. Here are seven delicious desserts you don’t have to give up. Smoothies Smoothies are a delicious, nutrition-packed treat. Forget the sugar and cream and prepare

5 Ideas to Make Your Home Smell Amazing

There are many products out there to help you keep your home smelling fresh – plug-in devices filled with chemicals, toxic air fresheners and paraffin candles among them. However, there are many natural alternatives that will leave you with a great-smelling home without having to introduce unwanted commercial products into your immediate environment. Below are

Who Decides To Put Toxic Fluoride In Your Water?

Fluoride is in the drinking water of a strong majority of communities in this country. But who decides that? Professor Paul Connett discusses the political side of water fluoridation and when it becomes toughest for citizens to make a change in their own drinking water! …read more

What Your Tongue Tells You About Your Thyroid

by Dr. Wiggy – Robinhood Integrative Health This is an adaptation of one of my most popular blog posts titled Look At Your Tongue. In that article I talked through some of the most important things that you can learn about your health by looking at your tongue. In honor of Hypothyroid Mom’s 2 year

How Do You Recognize Autism? Start Here!

What sort of symptoms are typical of autism? That’s a tough question, but Ginger Taylor discusses things you might want to look for to help recognize autism, as well as where you can get more answers. …read more