Raw Organic Cacao vs Cocoa: 5 Amazing Benefits of Making The Switch

What is a Superfood? Superfoods are just as they sound – foods that contain quantities that are significantly higher of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and other immune-boosting, disease fighting and anti-aging properties. Some are whole foods that are eaten every day that you’ve probably tried at one time or another (blueberries, broccoli, even potatoes). Other superfoods

3 Ways to Deal with the Fear of Failure

Everyone wants success, but not everyone finds it. Failure can come often when our goals are lofty and worthwhile. And with failure, sometimes the fear of failure begins to dog us. So let’s take a look at a few ways in which we can beat this fear. #1 Don’t Fixate On Your Failures Failure isn’t

7 Benefits of White Tea for Weight Loss

Most people are aware of the benefits to be had from drinking black or green tea, but far fewer people are familiar with white tea. Although all three teas come from the same plant, the difference lies in when they are harvested and how they are processed. White tea is harvested first from the very

Top 5 Non-Dairy Sources of Calcium

Whether out of medical necessity or because of personal preference, many people opt to forgo dairy in their diet. In fact, about one million Americans are vegan, meaning they not only refrain from eating meat, but from all animal-derived foods such as eggs and dairy.(1) Others may be lactose-intolerant or simply not enjoy the taste

Spicy Pakistani Spinach Potatoes

Years ago my good friend Shane taught me how to make this dish at her home. She estimated her ingredients when she cooked, but tried to help me measure the portions. Shane is an excellent cook and I had the pleasure of enjoying many of her home cooked foods over the years. Shane’s spinach potato

How does Forgiveness Enhance Mental Health?

Forgiveness is a gift, not just for you, but for the people you forgive. There’s always a chance that the grace we grant, can return to us. Life is full of surprises! Yet, those who have hurt us, may or may not ever apologize. Nevertheless, holding anger, according to recent research, can cause illness. These

7 Common Hidden Toxins Hanging Out in Your Kitchen That You Should Know

The kitchen is the place you create nourishing foods and beverages for the family. It is even the place, you gather during mealtimes to help your family and friends bond while sharing some good laughs. The kitchen is also the place where several toxins live creating an unsafe environment for you and your love ones.

4 Powerful Ways How Yoga and Meditation Benefit Your Health

Yoga and meditation originated in India, and are a fundamental aspect of the Hindu way of life. According to Indian tradition, Lord Shiva, one of the Hindu trinity is said to have bestowed yoga to humanity to help them attain to mukti or nirvana. Besides being a path to enlightenment, yoga and meditation also have

Morning Erections – Why Do Guys Wake Up With A Hard-On?

What Is an Early Morning Wood? As nice as we want to be, men refer to morning erections as a “hard on,” or a “morning wood.” To begin with the question, why men have a morning erection, let’s start at night. Men normally have erections during the night. This condition is called “nocturnal penile tumescence”

3 Face Mask Recipes to Make Using Turmeric

Turmeric, long valued for its medicinal properties in the East, has also received a fair amount of attention in West as people there discover its amazing medicinal properties that can help treat everything from cancer to arthritis to Alzheimer’s. Its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties continue to amaze as more and more research is gathered on it.