Articles Archive

12 Steps to Kill Fleas 100% Naturally

12 Steps to Kill Fleas Anyone with pets knows how frustrating it is when despite there best efforts their pets still get fleas. Fleas multiply fast and can take over your house in a matter of days! Try these steps to get rid of the problem without harming your pets or your family with harsh

Himalayan Salt vs. Standard Table: Salt that Heals vs. Salt that Kills

Salt is a natural and wonderful thing. At one point in history, Romans referred to salt as “white gold.” At times, they were paid in salt. Whether it be from the highest reaches of the Himalayas, or from the depths of the ocean floor, salt is a necessary mineral for all animal and human life.

7 Habits that Can Affect Your Metabolism

If you are having difficulty losing weight or notice that lately you have been gradually gaining pounds, there may a reason for this. Many of our lifestyle choices – sometimes ones we barely even think about because they are so much a part of our routine – can negatively impact our metabolisms and make weight

5 Natural Alternatives to Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen is a popular pain reliever which belongs to the class of medicines known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; it is currently available in both over-the-counter and prescription strengths. It is a common treatment for maladies such as menstrual discomfort, arthritis flare-ups and headaches. While it is affective as a pain reliever, it can also carry

4 Things to Know Before You Learn Yoga

Yoga has been around for a very long time, and though the Western world’s experience of yoga is largely limited to hatha yoga, there are so many other aspects that are significant parts of yogic practices. Understanding how the yogic system views the human body can add an extra dimension of experience for a yoga

Can’t Sleep? Drink This Smoothie!

Let’s face it. If you aren’t sleeping well at night, your health and well being is going to suffer. Sleep is critical to allow your body to physically and mentally recover from a day of work and play. Having a consistent sleep routine minimizes your chances of transient insomnia but you also need to have

Top 7 Foods that Keep Bones Strong

Strong bones are incredibly important for the health of the entire body: apart from giving the body structure and protecting important organs like the brain, heart and lungs, the bones also help give posture, balance and strength. They also are an important storage area for essential minerals and help to make red blood cells for

7 Top Super Juices

Juicing is a great way to detox, reach your goal weight or simply look and feel great. Juicing involves you, a Juicer and some fruit and vegetables. Remember: It pays to go Organic and buy local if you can. Here are 7 Super Juice Recipes from around the Web, to naturally power your day. #1.

It’s Time for Parents to Stop Worrying About Sexting

It seems that nearly every teenager has his or her own smartphone these days, which has made them fully able and equipped to use a host of apps to send pictures and videos to nearly anyone. With this type of convenience literally in the palm of teenagers’ hands, the amount of risky behavior taking place

DIY Homemade Banana Hair Conditioner

Most women are aware that bananas are a healthy fruit for them to eat, and many also know that they make for extremely good at-home face packs to moisturize and nourish the skin. What might not be as well-known, however, is that many of the same qualities that make them good for facials also make