Articles Archive

What Is Devil’s Claw Used For?

Get the scoop on the herb devil’s claw. Find out the health benefits, side effects, research and get tips on using it. …read more

Some Tools to Optimize Health and Behavior in Children and Grown Ups

As discussed, the role of various environmental triggers such as toxins, food dyes, gluten, stress, and prenatal environment can all impact a child’s health and risk for disease. One common link in them all seems to be the impact these factors have on the microbiome. So… first let’s take a look at the belly bugs

Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea

By Cathy Wong, ND Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) is a plant said to offer several health benefits. Believed to be native to Africa, hibiscus is often used to make herbal teas (also known as “infusions” or “tisanes”). Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea: Although few scientific studies have tested the health benefits of hibiscus, early research suggests

Why Cannabis Is the Future of Medicine

Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder – The future of medicine rests on the the fundamental right we all have to use things that spring from the Earth naturally as healing agents. Why should cannabis, used for at least 10000 years by humankind to alleviate suffering, be excluded from this inexorable mandate? The politics of

Your Lymphatic System: Why And How To Get It Moving

by: Michael Edwards – Natural News When the lymphatic system is not working properly, our bodies cannot remove toxins; fight viral, fungal, and bacterial disease; or regulate the amount of fluid in our tissues. In order to achieve maximum health, we must keep this system functioning well and our lymph fluid flowing. It is a

12 Surprising Uses for Toilet Paper Rolls

Nowadays, it’s all about living green and being able to reduce, reuse and recycle things in your household both to save space in landfills and also to save on your household budget! If you are always looking for ways to get the most out of what you have bought – read below to find out

5 Flat Belly Chicken Recipes

If you are wanting to lose weight but still crave satisfying food that won’t leave you feeling hungry, the following dishes may be just the thing you’ve been looking for. When the lean protein of chicken is combined with the monounsaturated fatty acids of ingredients like olives, nuts, avocadoes, seeds or dark chocolate – the

10 Healing Foods to Include in the Diet

More and more people – within the healthcare community and outside it – are beginning to understand the important of what is call dietary or nutritional therapy for treatment of many conditions, particularly those that are chronic. What someone eats can have an enormous influence on their overall health and wellbeing and below are ten

Durians—The Myths and Facts About The King of Fruits

If you’re like me, you probably have been looking for ways to not only lose weight, but also to eat foods that supply your caloric intake limit as well as remain healthy for you so you don’t have to worry about high cholesterol and high blood pressure on top of everything else. If that’s the

Tech Savvy: How Rapidly Advancing Technology Can Help Cancer Patients in 2014

We are living in the “digital age,” where information is exchanged and staggering rates, and technology is changing sometimes by the hour. While many industries have benefited from technology advancements, perhaps some of the greatest strides we have seen are in the medical field. By combining the use of technology with cutting-edge research, developers have