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5 Reasons Why Everything You Thought About Eating Fats Is Wrong

In 1913, Russian physician Nikolai Anitschkow, working in Freiburg, Germany, studied the effects that consuming fats had on rabbits. His research showed that his bunnies, when fed a diet of animal fats, developed lesions on their arteries similar to atherosclerosis, a disease that causes hardening and plaque buildup in arterial walls, one of the leading

7 Amino Acids That Help You Lose Weight

Amino acids are important as they are the building products of proteins that your body needs to maintain a healthy level of function, and of the 20 amino acids, there are 8 called essential amino acids which the body cannot make on its own. Both essential and nonessential amino acids can help with keeping you

King of Spices: What You Should Know About Black Pepper

Black pepper is the spice that adds a kick of heat and flavor to many classic dishes. This spice is surprisingly helpful as a natural remedy for relieving respiratory congestion as well. It has the ability to do this because it contains a compound in it you may know as piperine. The compound is what

Why Your Sexual Health Is So Important to Your Wife?

You may think that sex and your sexual health in general matters only to you as a man but on that you would be wrong. It matters to your wife too. In fact it matters very much to her because she loves you and wants to have a happy and strong relationship with you. Here

5 High Blood Pressure Healing Foods, Herbs and Spices

High blood pressure (hypertension) is called the “silent killer” because often, there will be no signs High blood pressure (hypertension) is called the “silent killer” because often, there will be no signs or symptoms to warn people that there is a problem. However, it can lead to a number of complications, the most serious being

Steps to Eliminate Candida & Regain Your Health

What is Candida, and how does it spread? Candida is a mutated form of yeast and its role in the body is to aid in the absorption of nutrients in the digestive system. A small amount is also found in the mouth and esophagus. If contained in the digestive system, which is one of the

Fluoride Is Not Beneficial, It Actually Causes This!

Dr. David Kennedy discusses his research into fluoride and what he found. He discusses the myth of fluoride as a beneficial product for oral health. Instead, find out how fluoride became known as a tooth protector and the lie behind it. You might be surprised! …read more

15 Grossest Things You You’ve Probably Eaten Today

The following gross-out substances found every day in your neighborhood supermarket are some of the best arguments from making a lot of your food from scratch and buying organic! Soda with Flame Retardant Many sodas contain a chemical called brominated vegetable oil which was originally used in plastics manufacturing to prevent them catching on fire.

Simple Reasons Why Heart Disease Is Still A Major Problem

With as much as we know about heart health, why is heart disease still a leading killer in this country? Dr. Ryan Bradley discusses this issue and offers some simple reasons why this country still struggles to get heart disease under control. …read more

Turmeric and Skin Cancer

Skin cancer occurs when abnormal cells develop on the skin and form a tumorous growth of the skin cells. The most common reason for the occurrence of the cancer is excess exposure to sunlight. It is the most common type of cancer and is treatable. Skin cancer is mainly of four types namely: Basal cell