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Guess which is your most important meal?

Most of us think if we blow-off breakfast we’ll lose weight. How would you like to lose 30 pounds within a year? Let’s face it, losing weight isn’t easy. But keeping it off is way harder. The people that study weight dilemmas say it can be done with little effort. Reports say that one in

Six Real Benefits of Enlisting Help from a Life Coach

Life coaches are sought out by individuals in almost every walk of life ranging from professional athletes and business executives, to young professionals or those simply trying to find a fulfilling path through life. For those that feel as if some aspect of their life is in a rut, here is a look at six

7 Plants that Repel Insects

If your home, yard or garden has been plagued by insects this summer, it may be tempting to reach for the traditional chemical pesticides in an attempt to get rid of them. But wait! There are plenty of plants that can help you repel these flying nuisances without having to poison your home to do

20 Super Health benefits of vegan diet

Studies have shown that vegan (following a well-balanced low-fat high-fibre vegetarian diet) often have lower incidence of coronary artery disease, hypertension, obesity and some forms of cancer. People presume vegans to be fringe eaters depriving themselves of proper nutrition, but a vegan diet has all the necessary ingredients to keep one strong and healthy. Here’s

10 Reasons to Eat More Bitter Melon

Many people stay away from bitter melon because of its bitter taste. It is also known as bitter gourd, Goya, Balsam Pear and Karela. What you may not know is that despite its horrible taste, it is a food that is packed with loads of goodness. It can be prepared in many ways, including stuffed,

7 Easy Ways to Combat Dehydration

Most people simply don’t take enough water. This may be because of hectic days or not having it at hand when they would want to take it. Instead, people tend to reach for coffee, soda, processed juices, tea and alcohol. The result is that the body becomes dehydrated which is unhealthy. Effects of dehydration The

5 Anti-Aging Herbs and Spices

There was a time when most people thought about herbs and spices almost strictly in terms of culinary use, to add flavor and zest to a variety of dishes. Today, though, more and more are realizing that apart from their great taste, they can also bring with them a wide variety of health benefits and

Learn Meditation For A Stress-Free Life

Technological advancement has taken the world to a different level where communication is no more difficult, working from home has never been easier and access to knowledge is just a keystroke away. However, in the process, man has paid a heavy price in the form of stress-accumulation. Stress can devastate your physical and psychological well

7 Natural Ways to Keep Spiders Out of Your Home

Spiders are an important part of the environment – but that environment shouldn’t include your home! Fortunately, there are ways to rid your home of these pests without actually hurting them or having to use dangerous pesticides to do. Below are seven suggestions to keep the house spider-free naturally. Use a Mint Spray Spiders (and

17 Easy Ways to Be a More Persuasive Speaker

We all, at some point of our life, want to get our thoughts communicated to a greater number of people. We want to pursue people with our thoughts and ideas. We even try. But, most of us fail in those attempts. Those who win become our idols. We die to get that winning quality, to