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7 All Natural Allergy Remedies that Really Work

Spring is a great time of the year, bringing with it the return of warm weather, longer days and the first of the year’s flowers. Unfortunately, for many, it also means the return of allergy and sinus symptoms that can really have an impact on everyday life and make you absolutely miserable unless they are

Lead Poisoning: Symptoms and Solutions

We are all exposed to lead through food, water, and environment regardless of our lifestyles. Lead is a naturally occurring metal, but the fact that its natural doesn’t make it healthy. In fact, lead is extremely toxic to humans and affects the kidneys, liver, reproductive system, and nervous system. Exposure to lead can happen quietly

5 easy tips to get rid of back pain

Having a back pain is irritating. And most of us experience this problem at some point, forcing us to visit a doctor. Back pain can be of different forms – ranging from a constant dull ache to abrupt sharp soreness resulting from various reasons. Back pain happens due to a sprain or other accidental injury.

12 Amazing Health Benefits Of Capsicum or bell peppers

Bell peppers, also known as sweet pepper or capsicum are basically peppers of less pungent varieties which are available in different colors such as yellow, red, green, purple and orange. These plump, bell shaped vegetables were cultivated more than 900 years ago in south and central America and were given the name pepper by the

7 Natural Tips for a Better Complexion

You don’t have to spend a fortune on a better complexion and you certainly don’t need to use the latest beauty cosmetic that was cooked up in a laboratory. If you are looking to improve your complexion naturally consider these tips below to improve the long-term health of your skin. Drink Plenty of Water Follow

Walking the Alcohol Tightrope

As far back as 10,000 BC humans were producing and drinking alcohol, and though the mode of fermentation may have changed over time, our thirst for the drink has not. The discussion of alcohol’s advantages and disadvantages has been around for years; is it a tonic or a poison? Is it really so bad for

7 Ways A Cup of Honey With Warm Water Can Help You

Today’s health news may have you thinking twice before reaching for the sugar bowl. As we learn more about the negative effects of sugar on our health, it is difficult to discover a healthy alternative. Luckily, honey is a suitable sweetener replacement in many cases, especially beverages. Starting your day off with a cup of

What You Need to Know About Salt And How it Affects Your Health

If you take care of your health like eating healthy food, exercise, but you’re not specifically focused on this issue, you can be sure that every day you put into your body too much salt! The only question now is whether this exaggeration is a minimum amount of salt or is your situation alarming? But

10 Amazing Brain Foods To Help You Focus And Improve Memory

Although we tend to lose focus and clarity while we age, many of the youngsters seem to have the same issues and are having a hard time to stay focused during the day. In a world where most people try to live at 90mph, we simply ask too much of our body. Too much tasks

Top 6 Ways Chia Seeds Improve Health

Chia seeds, the crunchy food once coveted by Aztec warriors for their medicinal properties, is now a commonly sought after superfood with many health benefits.(1) This means that not only do chia seeds add texture to smoothies or work nicely as a salad topping, but that they help improve overall health. It’s more than a