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Vitamins and Herbs are not regulated how do you know what you are getting?

Often times anti-health pundents and nay-sayers of supplementation will often taut the factthat the vitamin and herbal industry is not regulated by the FDA. They will argue that because of this fact no one knows what they are getting. Perhaps this fear is warranted. How can one find a product or company to trust? First

Five Foods to Eat When You Have the Flu

For those who are dealing with the flu, they will often wonder if there is a certain diet that you can use in order to best eliminate this illness. There are many instances when a person suffering from the flu will want to know what the best things to eat in order to get rid

3 Steps To Cultivate Joy Within

Joy is a fundamental quality within ourselves that all of us experience when we are children. But as we grow older, joy stops being our constant companion and becomes a fleeting experience that comes about once in a while. Let’s take a look at what we can do to make joy a more constant presence

Top 7 Affordable Superfoods To Combat Anemia

Anemia is a condition of the blood involving a red blood cell count and hemoglobin levels which are lower than normal. This can cause fatigue, memory loss, weakness and depression, among other symptoms. However, dietary management with foods that are rich in nutrients like iron, B12 and folic acid can improve this condition. Below are

Spices and Herbs that Boost Brain Power

With an aging population, more and more people are becoming aware of the problem of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia and are wondering what they can do to reduce their chances of developing this kind of cognitive disease. A healthy lifestyle and exercise can help to reduce the risk, but so can a

9 Abused Food Industry Terms

When you are trying to a lead a healthy lifestyle, you know that the food that you put into your body is important and you probably try to make good choices when you are at the supermarket. However, food labeling can be very misleading and there are a lot of terms out there that might

7 Carbhydrate Sources for Weight Loss

Since the Adkin’s diet phenomenon, people have been a bit spooked when it comes to consuming carbohydrates, unsure about whether or not they are doing the right thing. The fact is, though, that carbohydrates are what your body needs to provide it with energy and it cannot function without them. However, not all carbs were

Hepatitis C: The Silent Epidemic

Maylin Rodriguez-Paez Hepatitis C is taking our country by surprise. Over three million people are infected with the virus and the numbers are expected to rise. The “baby boomers” are at particular risk.1 The problem is that almost half of the adults who are infected are completely unaware of it.2 In the early stages, hepatitis

7 Best Home Cures For Swollen Feet and Ankles

If you suffer from swollen feet and ankles, there are a number of natural remedies that can help get reduce the swelling. Known as edema, swelling of the feet, ankles and legs are quite common. This swelling comes from too much fluid in the muscles. The fluid buildup can be a result of weight increase,

5 Foods Rich in Healthy Bacteria that are Beneficial to the Gut

If your tummy is causing you trouble it might be because it is lacking healthy bacteria deep within the gut. A lack of healthy bacteria in the gut can lead to inflammatory bowel disease, constipation, diarrhea, stomach gurgling and difficulty digesting meals. The way you can correct these digestive issues naturally is by eating whole