Are you successful?

Are you successful? Somehow this phrase has gotten twisted in people’s minds and what is often heard is: “Are you financially well off?” I measure success in happiness, health, quality of life, family, friends and relationships and experiences. I enjoy my time here on earth (for the most part) (everyone has their days), and spend

Things You Should Know About Vegetable Color Variations

Adding a variety of colors to your plate is beneficial for so many reasons, and not just because it can pretty up a dinner party. Every color of the rainbow can be found at your local farmers’ market, and each and every one of those colors represents a different antioxidant, a different vitamin or mineral

Kumquat – 23 Outstanding Health Benefits of This Super Fruit

Kumquats are the forgotten citrus fruit since people rarely ever talk about them unless it is during the Christmas season when they are useful as beautiful decoration around the home, or in gardens as sweet aromatic plants that provide elegance. However, these fruits should be spoken of all year long since they can provide outstanding

Depression and Kratom

Depression is one of the most common modern ailments, affecting about 6.7% of the U.S. population each year. Women are 70% more likely than men to experience depression. Depression is a growing problem worldwide, although it is more common in the developed Western societies. Kratom, a leaf from a tree growing in Southeast Asia, is

Lithium, The Longevity Mineral?

Lithium is best known for its role in treating bipolar disorder, but there are other health benefits to this mineral that are frequently overlooked. Lithium is found in all living organisms. Grains, vegetables, and drinking water (depending upon the area one lives in) are all good sources. Its name comes from the Greek word lithos,

10 Herbs for the Thyroid

Thyroid disorders – whether the gland is hyperactive, hypoactive, or enlarged – are common but often misdiagnosed and it can take a while find out what is causing such problems as weight change, fatigue, depression and problems with skin. Before taking any herbs for the thyroid, therefore, it is best to consult a medical practitioner

5 Secrets to Winter Health and Energy

If you are interested in staying healthy – that is, not gaining weight, keeping physically active and avoiding winter illnesses like the cold, flu or bronchitis – during the winter months, you’ve often got your work cut out for you. Shorter, colder days mean fewer sunlight hours for activities like walking, while the winter cuisine

An apple a day could keep obesity away

Washington: An apple a day could help to keep the doctor away, at least as far as obesity is concerned, according to a new study. Scientists at Washington State University have found that non-digestible compounds in apples ? specifically, Granny Smith apples – may help prevent disorders associated with obesity. The study is thought to

Breast cancer survivors may benefit from exercise therapy, acupuncture

Washington: Scientists have offered hope to breast cancer survivors, who suffer from pain and swelling, by offering a set of therapies which would help in increasing their muscular strength and body image. Two new studies from the Abramson Cancer Center and the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania offer hope for breast

10 Hidden Ingredients in Meat You Didn’t know about

America is still a meat-eating country for the most part and the meat processing industry is a billion-dollar business. The meat produced from these food factories is marketed as highly nutritious and a great way to get protein and other nutrients like iron that people need to stay healthy. What is not marketed, however, is